Video Series

  • Meet new friends with AI matching

    Meet new friends with AI matching

    This video looks at the friendship finder feature in DePassport, which allows people to connect with friends who share similar preferences or have a passion for specific hobbies and interests. Discover how DePassport’s AI technology matches users based on their profiles, making it easy to find like-minded friends. Learn how this feature helps you expand…

  • Finding a Workout Partner

    Finding a Workout Partner

    In this video, we explore DePassport as a gym partner app, helping fitness enthusiasts connect with the most compatible gym partners to achieve their fitness goals. Discover how DePassport’s AI technology matches users based on their workout preferences, schedules, and fitness objectives. Learn how the app enhances the gym experience by facilitating connections with partners…

  • Dating on DePassport

    Dating on DePassport

    In this episode, Janelle discusses how DePassport has changed online dating by matching compatible individuals using AI technologies, eliminating the need for endless swiping and so much effort needed to find a perfect date. Discover how DePassport’s AI technology analyzes user profiles and preferences to create meaningful dating connections. See more videos

  • AI Matching for mentors & mentees

    AI Matching for mentors & mentees

    In this episode, we delve into how DePassport facilitates connections between mentors and mentees, ensuring that each mentee is matched with the perfect mentor to accelerate their career growth. Discover how DePassport’s AI matching technology analyzes profiles and preferences to create optimal mentor-mentee pairings. See more videos

  • AI Matching with DePassport

    AI Matching with DePassport

    In this video, we explore the science and background behind DePassport, showcasing how our AI-matching technology connects individuals based on their profiles and preferences. Learn how DePassport analyzes detailed user profiles, compares preferences, and continuously improves matches through behavioral insights. See more videos